and if to blog, what to blog?
Well, those were the questions I had for probably a year or so, but tonight I figured, what the fruck, just do it..and so it was done..well, it's being done as we speak (well as I type), you get the idea..
The decision came from a group of friends I have through one of my writer's groups and the encouraging words of the group's leader and subsequent discussion immediately following said meeting tonight..great people, and you'll be hearing about them and our progress in future posts, but for now..
What to do with this blog? Well, I have a few ideas..
I'm trying to find and clean up some of my Film Review columns I had with The Beacon, William Paterson University's campus newspaper I wrote for back in the day. Ultimately, I'd like to archive each of the old columns I had written, re-write the original reviews, and write new reviews, but it will be a loooooong, tedious process to decipher the crappy scan-job by the apparently-blind person who scanned the papers. I *think* I have most of the hard copies of each issue, but finding them would be a feat unto itself, and actually taking the time to scan and crop them would be even more of a feat. Sooo, for the time being, you will be getting at least one old movie review, a re-write of original review, and a new review of a newer film. at least weekly..well, that's the plan.
In addition to that, you'll probably be getting some updates on my writing progress. As of now, I have one short story that's nearing completion ("There She Goes" - just needs some structural work, me thinks..), 3 more short stories ("My Friend Jack" - 15% done, "Untitled 1" - 2% done, and "Untitled 2 - the whodunit"- 2% done), 2 feature length screenplays of which I've written synopses for but that require a whole-lotta research (and the books are veeeery intimidating stacked on my dresser), another story I'm not certain I want I want to start as a novella or screenplay (maybe the novella can be converted to a treatment? I dunno), and a story written by my grandfather I need to transcribe and turn into a readable novel or screenplay..So yeah, you'll be getting a lot of updates on where I stand with the writings..and hopefully feedback will keep me inspired and/or focused on writing more..
Finally, you'll get random occasional rants on everything from sports (how much and why I despise the Yankees, and how the Mets, Jets and Devils will try to break my heart, again, as they do every year..) to politics (and how all politicians suck, why the world sucks, etc.) to religion (to spice things up..why not?)
So welcome aboard, buckle up, and I hope you enjoy the ride..I'll try to make the journey worth your time..
- doot